PCB table

Like many electronic enthusiasts I have many leftover PCB's lying around from all kinds of projects. I came up with a good use for them and at the same time creating the perfect piece of tech furniture for every geeks house. Convert a glass table into a PCB table.



Catching worms with electricity

Another interesting use of electricity. You can catch worms with it. Don't want to ruin your garden, not enough room to dig or simply don't want to get your hands dirty digging for worms? This is the perfect solution!



All articles and translations moved

Every last article has finally been moved to the new site. The remains of the old website (that were still available on megavolts.nl/old) have been removed and now all focus goes to making new projects.


The template has been upgraded

Thanks to Joseph for upgrading the MEGAVOLTS.NL template. Everything looks as it should. The only thing left now is adding the translations for each article.


Megavolts.nl Offline

Due to a safety leak in Joomla 1.5 or something, this site was infected with malware and got my whole hosting account ass suspended. After recovering a backup I was suspended again a few days later. This also made me unable to send and receive mail on my normal account. This is why I decided to take the website offline until further notice.

Now, a few weeks later, I finally got some time to try and get the site upgraded to the new Joomla and get it up and running again. Unfortunately, all the translations I made from articles didn't migrate and have to be added manually. This will take some time. If your translation is not present jet please feel free to use google translate or anything.

Not everything seems to be working perfectly yet but lets see if it at least stays online.


Megavolts hacked

Unfortunately my site has been hacked by some stupid extremist Islamic group a few days ago (for the second time). Their message has been on this website for some time and they "just" deleted my own files. I want to clarify that I do not support any of their ideas or ways and want nothing to do with them.

Apparently my backups are too old so this website will remain buggy until I update to the newest Joomla, or find a better solution. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Update 01-08-2010

Nieuwe maand, nieuwe datalimiet. De hele site werkt weer inclusief alle afbeeldingen. 2 van mijn projecten waren geplaatst op hackaday.com, hierdoor kwamen op 1 middag 3200 visitors op mijn site die direct alle datalimiet verbruikte. Had ik het eerder gezien dan kon ik afbeeldingen uit het project tijdelijk onzichtbaar maken.

De knop wallpapers is vervangen door fotografie, dit omdat de foto's meer zijn dan wallpapers. Er komen vooral veel super macro foto's van dieren en natuur op te staan, deze zijn echt de moeite waard om eens te bekijken.


Geen afbeeldingen zichtbaar

Door de vele bezoekers in de afgelopen dagen zit de site bijna aan zijn bandbreedte limiet van deze maand. Om de laatste paar % zo lang mogelijk te benutten is de image holder plugin uitgeschakeld. Hierdoor zijn er geen afbeeldingen meer te zien. Excuses voor het ongemak.



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